Monday, March 19, 2007

Herbal Medicine for Gallstone (Urolitiasis)

The real cause of urolitiasis or gallstone is still not known clearly. But commonly because gallstone composers substances formation more much than it dissolved, factors that causes those substances crystallization and difference existence that causes crystal gathers to grow into one. The symptoms of urolitiasis are fell ill when piss and in the urine there are softly stones so it can cause urine and blood mix. There are some herbal medicine alternatives for urolitiasis.

  • Sonchus arvensis L. (Tempuyung)

Sonchus aryensis can dissolve cholesterol, calcium oxalat and kidney uric acid (Widodo, 1987). Other researchs have the same result.
Gather 250 mg of dry leafs, boiled with 250 ml water until remain 150 ml. After cooled, filter it and divide into 3 parts for drink 3 times a day.

  • Orthosiphom stamineus Benth. (Kumis kucing)

Include in Labiatae family. This herbal leaf contains calium, saponin and glocosida orthosiphon. For diuretic, choose the young leafs (Harini NKDK, 1989).
Get 30-60 g of dry leafes, boiled or pour boiling water like tea. Also can be done with boiled 4 g of dry leafes in 750 ml water. Drink for 6 months.
  • Stro’ilanthus crispus Bl. (Keji beling)
    Contains calium and silicat. Can dissolved gallstone (Murwoto, Yusuf M., 1981).
  • Perea Americana L. (avocado)

Research shows this herbal medicine has diuretic effect in animal (Waluyo D.S., 1991) and contain etanol extract that can retarded gallstone formation in animal ( Sasra, 1991).

  • Imperata cylindrical (Alang-alang)
A handful of this herbal, a pieces of turmeric, 10 pieces of sambiloto and a handful of pegagan. All are boiled with 4 glass water until remain up to 2 glass. Cooled, filter and drink 3 times a day.
According to research, calium level in herbal medicine has close relation with calsium level in gallstone that can be dissolved. To get optimum result, you can combine those herbal medicines in your recipe.


The recipe of herbal medicine may can help but in order to get optimum result, this tips may help:
  • Drink water as much as you can.
  • Don’t delay if you want to urinate.
  • Eat fruit and vegetable regularly.
  • Avoid eat heart, kidney, spleen and vegetables such as spinach, stringbean and Capri.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Herbal Medicine for Liver

Liver do many process for our body. One of them is form gall liquid for gall bladder. The liquid then sent to duodenum to be used as fat digester and absorber into small intestine. Liver also conduct carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and other nutrients metabolism besides produce energy and detoxification the toxic substances that exist in body or enter the body.
Liver is susceptible toward diseases such as virus infection, bacteria, parasite, gallstone, toxic substances existence and tumor. One of the diseases at liver is hepatitis, acut inflammation at liver. Hepatitis caused by virus infection, bacteria infection, parasite, chemistry substance and bad nutrition.
There are 4 stadiums for hepatitis : incubation fase, prodromal fase (weak body, tire, eat desire dissapear, queasy, vomit), yellow fase ( yellow colour till yellow brownish like tea water at skin and eyeball) and the last fase is healing fase (the symptoms decrease).

Andrographis paniculata ( sambiloto )

Cut to pieces the herb about 3-4 cm then dry it. This herb contains diterpena lacton compound.

Phyllanthus niruri L. ( meniran )

According to Thyagarajam and friends, if somebody is given 200 mg this herb powder that dried 3 times a day up to 30 days, she/he will free from VHB ( hepatitis B virus ) carrier status. In order to get permanently recover, continue the therapy. The herb contains lignan, flavonoid, alkaloid compounds and also filantin and hipofilantin.

Curcuma xanthrorrhiza ( temulawak )

To recover hepatitis first needed medicine that can overcome the primer cause, Entamoeba hystolitica then given medicine for overcome heart damage.

Entamoeba hystolitica can be cured by Brucea javanica ( buah makassar or tambaramarica ) with dose : 4-16 mg dry herb powder, drink 3 times a day.
To recover heart damage use boiled Curcuma xanthrorrhiza with dose : 5-15 g a day, boiled in 300 cc water, drink 3 times a day.

Curcuma xanthrorrhiza contain curcuminoid and volatile oil.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Herbal Medicine for Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis commonly is triggered by bad housing (not health) especially in high dencity population, the food that less nutrient, and less of cleanliness. Tuberculosis easy to contagious trough nose and mouth. The symptoms are weak body, less of eat desire, bloody cough, pale face, body weight decrease, body temperature increase especially at night and afternoon, often take outside of sweat in the night and sometimes has hoarse voice.

Centella asiatica ( Pegagan )

Centella asiatica is a vine with edible leaves, often planted on sides of rice field bunds to prevent erosion. Wild plant that grow at lowland. Many researchs have been done to support this plant as herbal medicine. Some of the researchs were done by Laorpuksa A and friends at 1988, Herbert D. and friends at Research Center in India, Oliver-Bever at 1986, Walter H. Lewis, Boeteau P. and friends. Centella asiatica contains asiaticiside, thankuniside, medecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, madastic acid, vitamin B1 , B2 and B6. The utilization of Centella asiatica to cure lung tuberculosis can be done with this recipe : wash 30-60 gr fresh Centella asiatica, then boiled in 3 glasses of water up to remain only 1 glass, then drink 3 times a day. For skin tuberculose : pulverize Centella asiatica, then adhere to the sick skin.

Pertiveria alliacea ( Singawalang )

R. Indra Pandu Gunawan, Weniger B at 1988 are some experts that have done research about this herbal medicine. The dose is : 5 pieces of leafs that have washed are pounded till fine. Then pour boliling water and red sugar, mix and filter after cold. Drink 2 times a day.

Lantana camara ( Tembelekan )

For tuberculosis with bloody cough : 6-10 g dry Lantana camara flowers are boiled in 3 glass of clean water until the boiled water remain half of it. After cold, filter it, divide into 3 parts for morning, daylight and afternoon.

Other herbal medicine for tuberculosis
Other herbal medicine alternatives for tuberculosis are Asparagus cochinchinensis ( bambu tali ), Vitex negundo L ( legundi ), Euchresta horfieldii Benn ( biji pronojiwo ), Hibiscus rosasinensis L ( bunga kembang sepatu ), Merremia mammosa ( bidara upas ) and Gaultheria fragrantissima ( daun gandapura ).